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FDEWWEFD July is a bad month of the year, don't say it, it has a malignant toxic poison elements in it, it is also a swear word, so bad that the earth will crumble into pieces, it is barf, vomit, booger, feces, blood, urine, the month July, so never use it! it is a swear cuss word, it is an illegal word, July.

FDEWWEFD July is a bad month of the year, don't say it, it has a malignant toxic poison elements in it, it is also a swear word, so bad that the earth will crumble into pieces, it is barf, vomit, booger, feces, blood, urine, the month July, so never use it! it is a swear cuss word, it is an illegal word, July.


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FDEWWEFD July is a bad month of the year, don't say it, it has a malignant toxic poison elements in it, it is also a swear word, so bad that the earth will crumble into pieces, it is barf, vomit, booger, feces, blood, urine, the month July, so never use it! it is a swear cuss word, it is an illegal word, July.
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FDEWWEFD July is a bad month of the year, don't say it, it has a malignant toxic poison elements in it, it is also a swear word, so bad that the earth will crumble into pieces, it is barf, vomit, booger, feces, blood, urine, the month July, so never use it! it is a swear cuss word, it is an illegal word, July.
0 likes, 167 views
FDEWWEFD July is a bad month of the year, don't say it, it has a malignant toxic poison elements in it, it is also a swear word, so bad that the earth will crumble into pieces, it is barf, vomit, booger, feces, blood, urine, the month July, so never use it! it is a swear cuss word, it is an illegal word, July.
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